Samarth Educational Trust's

Sawkar Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital Satara

Approved By NCISM & Govt. Of Maharashtra.
Affilited To MUHS Nashik

Vision and Mission

धर्मार्थकांभोगाम नष्टाराज्यविवृद्धये |

आयुर्योवनलाभार्था मूक्त्यर्थ च मुमुक्षुणाम || (रसोपनिषत )

Knowledge of Rasavidya can complete your dharma, Artha and Kamana , one king can get his kingdom back and also we can achieve Life and rejuvenation and one can achieve moksha.

Vision :

  • Training in drug manufacturing is imparted to the Ayurvedic students during their study period to make them confident in drug manufacturing so that they may successfully treat their patients with genuine and standard drugs.

Mission :

  • To Enhance the practical applicability of Rasashastra, bhaishajyakalpana and essential skill.
  • To promote innovation in the field of Rasashastra and bhaishajyakalpana.
  • To promote the knowledge of Rasashastra, bhaishajyakalpana through basic education and health care practices.